Friday, October 13, 2006

YAY.. Almost time for my vacation to start.

Well, I am sitting here dwindling away the rest of my time here at work. As I sit here my cell phone vibrates my desk with calls or voicemails. For some reason I feel in no mood to answer them. I cringe at the calls coming in for I fear the ugliness coming out in my tone right now.

Last week or so I got meds for depression. They seemed to be working and taking the edge off of things. There are still some things they don't work that can down anyones moods. The dreaded ex calls my phone any time she feels about bitching about what I have done for Alyssa or whatever. I still have harsh moods with this one. I am not so sure that there is any amount of anything to take that edge off of that one. If only I was not the one that would have to handle it. What a dream that would be. I imagine it is only going to be until I stomp my foot down that things will straighten out there. I feel it coming really soon.

Things at home seem to be better. I can handle all things there right now. As long as there is a gap in the times me and John see each other. That gives us time to miss each other if you will. If we miss each other enough we get along much better. There are still some things that he does that aggrevates the hell out of me. Making him understand this is the hard part. He is starting his new full time job tomorrow that has varied hours. (Thank goodness.)

My day has gone by rather fast today. I have gotten alot of things done but still not as much as I would like. I suppose I have all next week and I can do it then. WE shall see. Lately I have been venturing out more often and getting out of my shell. I am almost back to the way I use to be but I can not tell right now if that is a good thing or a bad thing. My house is lacking because I had chosen to spend some time with the girls while John worked last week. THis week I neglected it out of lack of interest. My job is still in line where it should and improvements are in store for some. I have been on yahoo alot chatting to different people. I got bored one day and went in a chat room. The people are in different countries than I so it has been great getting to hear about their customs and interest. Things like that amaze me.

Well, my vacation is so close to starting. I should clean my desk up and get packed up here. I think tonight the family and I are going to go to the hockey game here in town. I have plans on relaxing at home for vacation. Maybe I will clean. You just never know with me. :)


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