Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just Posting!

Well, I am just posting right now. We are moving along during the day and my nights are full of working around the house. I tell you it is always something. I got alot of things cleaned up and tossed out last night. My days are busier here at work but that seems to be the only time that I am able to post here.

I have gotten some very discouraging news. I stepped on the dreaded lying machine last night and saw that all the weight I lost before child has come back. Today I feel it and have set my mind to doing something about it. I am sure that it is not going to kill me working it off my butt. I have to do it though. The size I am not makes me very unhappy and discouraged from feeling anything but sexy.

I know I have lacked alot of things and now I am coming to a boil with the stress. My job is stressing me out some and between that and my house my shoulder is so sensitive and achey. I know that is a sign of to much stress on me. I know that some of it I have added on me but goodness I never saw this much stress in my life. I wonder how I managed to juggle everything before and now I have to sit down and juggle it some more and find that way I did it.

I am setting my mind to getting a house built in the near future. I am not sure how near but I want all the details done and ready before I put it all in motion. I work in the home building field and that is something that I dread about clients. They don't know what they want and want to constantly change their minds. I am sure alot of it will one day be me but for the most part I want things to run smoothly when it comes down to my side. Me attempting to do the school thing to sell real estate won't happen for a while now. I can say that it will have to take a seat on the back burner for the time being. I can't add more stresses on me than what I have right now for fear of what it is going to do to me.

I know I forgot about the picture posting. As soon as I find my mind under all the jabbers and list and post its I will get that down. I am so unorganized right now and it is driving me crazy. I am getting there though I promise.

The boys in the house are doing fine. They are getting along great. And they both get along with me just fine. I have stopped asking them for help and have realized that I get more accomplished when I just handle it myself. I should have known better from prior experiences though. John is taking up more and more time with the girls though. I am so pleased to see that one happening. Jessica, the baby, has become a daddy's baby girl and I don't know how to handle that. I am just use to her being a mama's baby and for her to make the swap is just heartbreaking for me. But then some of me gets those happy butterflies when he can do something with her and makes her all giddy. That is the best. I am not sure what it is with him but they seem to mind him a hell of a lot better than me. Boy do I have to figure that one out.

Well, I have a ton of things on my list here to do at work and should start on it.


Blogger Uncle Jim said...

You need some motivation here. That's where Uncle Jim comes in.
First things first, DROP & GIVE ME 20!!!! Now find something you want to change, or quit doing. Now when you want to do that thing, DONT!!!! Drop and do some sit up's or push ups or something. Now get on it, I'll be watching so I better hear of you doing good things.

12:06 PM  
Blogger dyzgoneby said...

Listen to uncle jim, he knows what he is talking about. Remembe he gave me the motivation to get off my lazy butt. Now drop and do 20 with me. You have a partner....

6:01 PM  

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