Saturday, July 29, 2006

I was Tagged.

I was tagged.

3 things that scare me:
1. Dying.
2. The Darkness- More like what is in the darkness
3. Being alone

3 people who make me laugh:
1. My kids
2. My family
3. Will Smith

3 things I hate the most:
1. Stupid People
2. Child Molesters
3. Housework

3 things I don't understand:
1. People who don't raise their kids with manners.
2. Why everything has to be so complicated
3. Website designing

3 things I'm doing right now:
1. WAtching TV
2. Blogging - duh
3. Getting sleepy

3 things I want to do before I die:
1. Become debt free
2. Build our home with a wrap around porch
3. Vacation in Europe

3 things I can do:
1. Make cheesecake
2. Multi task
3. Love my kids.

3 ways to describe my personality:
1. Loving
2. On the go.
3. Prompt.- usually anyways

3 things I can't do:
1. Control my temper to the fullest-this is slipping back the way it use to be and is not pretty.
2. Cook to many things - I am still working on that.
3. Sew - I want to learn this one.

3 things I think you should listen to:
1. Your Heart
2. Your Gut
3. Your parents

3 things you should never listen to:
1. To much heavy metal
2. To much news ( always bad stuff and not much good)
3. .........I have drawn a blank

3 absolute favorite foods:
1. Chicken Cesar Salad - I love salads.
2. Taco Salads
3. Anything with Chocolate - I am a junk food junkie, anything with chocolate is even better.

3 things I'd like to learn:
1. To sew
2. To do websites
3. Cook

3 beverages I drink regularly:
1. Dr. Pepper- I can't function without it
2. Sweet Tea
3. Coke

3 shows I watched as a kid:
1. Flinstones
2. Fresh Prince
3. Smurfs

3 people I'm tagging
1. John
2. Amanda
3. Tina


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