Thursday, January 25, 2007

Not Much.

I have not much to update here. Just moving about into a regular routine. Sometimes things are good and sometimes not so great. Just managing the times as they hit. Ready to have time to myself and enjoy it.

Here lately I find it hard to enjoy time because of a busy schedule with work, kids, house and everything else. I have an old friend that has decided on coming back around. That makes my day. He and I get along fabulously and when things tend to bum me out alot and I get depressed he tends to know what to say and how. Just makes one feel good I suppose. I have learned real quickly that I have some great friends.

It has been one fun filled year to say the least. Things are starting off okay. I am getting things working and trying to get a trip planned out and ready to go in April. I am squishing things out of my hubby. Some things are still on my nerves but he says they will get better. We shall see. We shall See. At least my job is half ass great anyways. I say half ass because it is the only thing I get peace at. I don't have to stress much while I am there.

The kids are getting bigger and think they are grown. Wrong answer there. They are still able to get butts spanked. Boy can I tell terrible 2's are hitting. Not to mention the 5 year old things all attitude is goign to get her somewhere. What do kids really think today?? Do I want to really know??

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year One and All!

Welcome 2007! I am sure that 2006 was a tough one for many of us. I just hope that things go well in 2007. The start has been one of which that is great.

Wanna read something interesting find it somewhere else lady that reads to find something to talk about with her friend. Yeah I know that much!

To those that that comment does not apply for I will have more here soonish. I am sorry for the rude comment for those that don't apply to that one.