Saturday, July 29, 2006

I was Tagged.

I was tagged.

3 things that scare me:
1. Dying.
2. The Darkness- More like what is in the darkness
3. Being alone

3 people who make me laugh:
1. My kids
2. My family
3. Will Smith

3 things I hate the most:
1. Stupid People
2. Child Molesters
3. Housework

3 things I don't understand:
1. People who don't raise their kids with manners.
2. Why everything has to be so complicated
3. Website designing

3 things I'm doing right now:
1. WAtching TV
2. Blogging - duh
3. Getting sleepy

3 things I want to do before I die:
1. Become debt free
2. Build our home with a wrap around porch
3. Vacation in Europe

3 things I can do:
1. Make cheesecake
2. Multi task
3. Love my kids.

3 ways to describe my personality:
1. Loving
2. On the go.
3. Prompt.- usually anyways

3 things I can't do:
1. Control my temper to the fullest-this is slipping back the way it use to be and is not pretty.
2. Cook to many things - I am still working on that.
3. Sew - I want to learn this one.

3 things I think you should listen to:
1. Your Heart
2. Your Gut
3. Your parents

3 things you should never listen to:
1. To much heavy metal
2. To much news ( always bad stuff and not much good)
3. .........I have drawn a blank

3 absolute favorite foods:
1. Chicken Cesar Salad - I love salads.
2. Taco Salads
3. Anything with Chocolate - I am a junk food junkie, anything with chocolate is even better.

3 things I'd like to learn:
1. To sew
2. To do websites
3. Cook

3 beverages I drink regularly:
1. Dr. Pepper- I can't function without it
2. Sweet Tea
3. Coke

3 shows I watched as a kid:
1. Flinstones
2. Fresh Prince
3. Smurfs

3 people I'm tagging
1. John
2. Amanda
3. Tina

Friday, July 28, 2006

Eventful Week...

Alright this is just my commenting on many things going on here for me. None of it meant bitchingly or any of other form other than to get it off my chest and hopefully to feel much better and less stressful about things going on.

Here this week I have still been the only clerical in the office. All had been going smoothly or so I thought. Then this week of hell hit. The boss throws a fit about one day my lunch not being covered for phone duty. What the hell? I am a babysitter now to make sure they are doing their jobs. No Way! That day I almost quit. Had I had another job I sure as hell would have just said the hell with it and walked out. Not the best way to handle his childish tantrum but enough is enough from him. I can not be everything to everyone and still function as I am. Then today my printer and computer are mucking up. Who knows what is going on there. My computer is freezing alot so I am trying to speed through this and my printer just won't print. I think it went on strike for a bit.

Yesterday I was talking to a girl that her fiance was over there with my hubby. She is having alot of the same issues that John and I have been fighting for some time now. Only difference is that I am by no way scared to stand strong on my post and stand up to him. These guys are easily angered over every day life and they can spill at any given moment over any little thing. (JOhn never was like this when I married him until he returned from Iraq.) Next came the shut in mode. By that I mean with the ones I live with they hermit up either in the bedrooms or in the house altogether. They don't care a thing about going out and seeing people and talking to people. It is like they are in their own little world. Then the forgetfulness they are experiencing now is just unreal. They can take the trash out of the container in the house but when it comes to finishing it totally out the door they can't seem to remember after putting the new bag in the container. (I get so mad about this one and thought it was just outright lazy. Now I am thinking again.) Today I heard from another girl whose husband was there as well. He has the same things going on. NOne of them will in any way communicate with any of us. Which is not a good thing. My husband has a buddy that has gotten him out of this phase. They go out and about and do things and if nothing else just talk. (Thanks Greg, YOu don't have any idea what you have done for him.) The other two don't talk to anyone including any of the guys they were with over there. One of them will be sent back to that hell hole soon. His poor wife is so scared of what another year will do to him. He has commented to her that he can do 6 months but not another year.

The things I have found on line have scared the hell out of me enough to worry. What can one do? I have spoken to John many times on the changes that he experienced when he came back. I am not sure he knew exactly how bad they were until I commented last night that Greg might have just saved our marriage and had no idea. So now John is going to try to talk to these kids that were with him and see if he can pass on the help to them. They just need to know that they have someone to lean on for support and obviously it can not be the lover/wife/ fiance/ friend who was not there. I already know that the only thing that I can do is let these girls know that any time they need me day or night to talk/listen or whatever they have my number. They know it is always on if they need me.

My kids are doing well. We are getting ready for school with one of them. Alyssa's mom is doing real well at keeping me informed of what is going on there with the schools and things with her. So far so good but I don't expect this to stay as it is right now. I am sure there will be something that we will butt heads on. Jessica is ready to head back to the regular babysitter on Monday. She has been staying with my best friend who has a daughter that is 3 weeks younger than Jessica. I think that they have become tired of each other and really quick like.

Well, this is all for me today. I am hoping that this will post without any problems.
And Dayz I will get the tag posted soon. Hopefully tonight.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lets Boogie....

Alright. I know it has been a while. I have been trying to adjust to many things. I was on my own at work last week. That went fairly smoothly. At home it is the same old shit. Love him, Fight with him and that routine continues.

Sometimes I still feel like I am on my own to handle every darn thing around. But what else is new. I at least know it is getting done anyways. It is a pain though trying to do everything. After a while you get numb.

The kids are doing well. Getting meaner every time I turn around. Seems like I am just passing out more and more spankings by the day. Su ppose I have to get use to that. They are 5 and 1. I have however found a way to strengthen legs by using the little one. It is working rather well. Given that she has continued to my little mommy clinging child. I am really hoping she will out grow this stage real soon. I hate having a child walking/running/ tantruming at my every step yelling mommy mommy mommy. The oldest will be starting school next month. She is really excited because she is going into Kindergarten. WOo Hoo.

My house today looks like a total disaster. I have picked up all this week but seems that just picking up is doing no justice. I am setting out today to go shopping for some fall/ winter clothes for the kids. I know that they are going to need them. Then I am going to come home and start tossing. I have dust collecting shit everywhere. It is insanity how stuff has collected up in the house.

This is all from me today. Time to start working. I have to give a couple of kids a bath this morning and then it is out the door we go.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Worn Out!

All is alright for now. Things are just running me ragged. I feel that I have to see some sort of improvement here soonish or I am going to explode. I am sure that it is coming though. Just have to give it time. I have been running around and trying to keep up with everything alot here lately to where I am just out right worn out. Just wanted to keep up here. Will post more later.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Okay I am back. I have had a break from posting for some time now. I have been catching up with some things. To some degree it has been a success there. I am still alot behind but I can only work on it.

Today I managed to get the day off. We were suppose to pull in a half day but that did not happen for me. Good thing though. My head is killing me. Has been since last night. But I have been busy working around the house. Last night I ran the weed eater and got beat to death with that adding the aggrevation to my shoulder. Well, as if that was not punishment enough I went on the cut some trees down off the fence line. Now today I feel pretty good. But of course this is all minor. The pain will subside one day and the work will please me for a little while.

My family did the 4th celebration on Saturday night. That was real interesting. My youngest decided that the curiousity got the best of her. We have a boo boo burn on our finger and palm of the hand. She decided her dad and I telling her not to touch things was not good enough she had to see why. I tell you she was accident prone this weekend. Of course the hand is fine. No pain there. She continues with everyday meanness. Then there was the incident of bumping the chin on the steps at nene's and pawpaw's house. They have steps going up on the porch and well my hard headed child decided to go for it without me right there. Good thing that baby is one tough cookie. I am not so sure I won't have a heart attack before she is 3 but I will try not to. Now nene and pawpaw on the other hand will have a fit, but look at me they raised me just fine minus the hard headedness. (I think that is where she gets that from.) Alyssa had a blast though. John was setting up the fireworks and she was right there questioning why he was setting them up and not waiting for it to get dark. Why was he not making them go boom? Why daddy? Why daddy? All in all he has not felt the lack of love coming from his girls. Tomorrow night we go down to his family's house. We are just minus a child.

Last week was interesting. I find out something new about JOhn every year. Well, this year I have found a sister in law that will graduate from high school next year. Now we have been contacted by his bio father's parents. That was really interesting. He has not heard from them for 7 or 8 years now. He has no relationship with his bio father. I mean NONE. No phone calls. No emails. No visits. NONE. I did my duty and sent some pictures to these grandparents after speaking with JOhn. This grandpa was really happy to hear that Lacey, my sis-in-law, found JOhn again. I am happy that it is coming back around that some more of JOhn's family is coming back into his life. I just wished that they lived closer. Lacey lives in Ohio and grandma and grandpa Colley live in North Carolina. His bio father is still living in Florida to our knowledge and we are not sure how many other brothers, sisters, half siblings, or step siblings there are out there. So now we just sit and wait. I feel that this is going to be a great year for us.

John is now pretty okay with his bio father's family contacting us. I am fine with it as well. John is now having a lot of things on his plate to do. He is starting to look for another job. He is working on having more time with me and the girls. (Which I am loving it sometimes.) So things this 4th of July are looking up. :)

To all you out there have a happy and safe holiday. Be careful of all the crazy people out there. And to all our military persons thank you for the freedom you are insuring. My family and I will keep you in our prayers. Without you we could not carry on our daily lives as we choose to do. God Bless you all.