Friday, September 29, 2006

K I tried to post something here. Everytime I start I delete for one reason or the other.

I hope all of you are having a great time with this cool weather.

I will get better about posting but not sure how to say what I have on my mind right now.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Finally I might be getting a break here soonish. I am looking forward to a calm weekend. It has been crazy around the house this last weekend and the week prior. John had 3 members of his family making hospital visits. Lucky that all has recovered fine and dandy and are all home right now. Maybe that will remain that way.

Today I am at work and the office is so quiet. There is no one really in here to bother me and I have the work piled up because all week we have procrastinated. The big boss is golfing and the one I report to took off today. The business is slow.

John is sending in resumes like crazy. Maybe something will pan out and be absolutely terrific. I am still keeping my fingers crossed that he will get something he will enjoy.

The kids are doing well actually. Alyssa has a Zoo field trip coming up October 5th for school. I suppose that is one of my pleasures to go on. I love the zoo though. Will make for lots of pictures of Alyssa if she will cooperate. :)

Must do some work now. My desk really does look like i have been working. (Really. but nope not the case.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lightly Does It.

I am doing the mild side of life today. My life is getting crazier by the day with nothing working appropriately for me right now.

Everything is working itself out in the house. Somehow and someway I chose not to handle many of the conflicts because seems that they have to pan themselves out. It still has rough patches and things that I do not like and times I do not like but maybe one day the awakening of what I want will come. Seems no one there understands what I want/need and I am just getting to beat to talk it out anymore. So I carry on what I have to in order to make it and be done with it.

My days usually start at 545 to 605 and end around 1130ish or so. What do I get accomplished during this time frame? Not a damn thing. Or so it seems. I still run around and do things constantly for what I don't really know nor do I understand it. I have to carry the child to the babysitter, work, pick up the child, cook, clean, bathe a child, and get her ready for bed all for me to head to the gym. Horray I have started going to the gym regularly. I have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. I am starting to feel much much better about me and the weight I am loosing. If only I could get down where I use to be. If only.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you?

As I was on the way to carry my little angel to the babysitter this morning I was listening to the radio. The question arose as to where you were on 9/11/01. Do you remember? As I listened the stories became all the same. They were heading to carry their children to school, going to work, stuck in traffic. As you listen to these stories on the phone you remember where you were. I for one was already at work unknowing what was going on but then when we turned the news on and saw it all I remember my heart sinking and the fast beating of it wondering how this could happen here. What was going to happen next.

I remember going home to hug my soon to be husband a little tighter that night and hoping for the best. We watched the news that night and sat there talking about things. Not long after that he decided to reenlist into the national guard where he thought that he would stay in the U.S. to help out with security here. Sounded alright to me but then he found they were heading off to Iraq. That is when things started hitting hard. We made the decision to have the baby that we had talked about having down the line. That was being tossed about and sure enough Jessica had her own mind set to join me in the mix to keep my mind off of the separation from John. Thankfully God knows what is best.

It has been 5 years since this tragedy occurred. 5 years that some have forgotten what happened to many different degrees. Did you forget? Do you forget to hug your child(ren) at night and tell them how much you love them? Do you let the days, weeks, months slip by without contacting your family and telling them how much you love them? Do you appreciate all things that you are given? Yes you are given rights, freedoms, nice things by God's grace.

On the T.V. this past weekend were stories of the crashes that just saddened my heart deeply. The children that lost their loved ones. The babies that will never know the parents. Then you have the many men and women that stepped up to help the victims out. The ultimate sacrifices for some are the saddest for us to grasp.

For all of our military, firemen, policemen, and paramedics I say thank you very much for providing us a safe place to raise our kids. Remember to smile and give thanks to those around you.

Where were you?

As I was on the way to carry my little angel to the babysitter this morning I was listening to the radio. The question arose as to where you were on 9/11/01. Do you remember? As I listened the stories became all the same. They were heading to carry their children to school, going to work, stuck in traffic. As you listen to these stories on the phone you remember where you were. I for one was already at work unknowing what was going on but then when we turned the news on and saw it all I remember my heart sinking and the fast beating of it wondering how this could happen here. What was going to happen next.

I remember going home to hug my soon to be husband a little tighter that night and hoping for the best. We watched the news that night and sat there talking about things. Not long after that he decided to reenlist into the national guard where he thought that he would stay in the U.S. to help out with security here. Sounded alright to me but then he found they were heading off to Iraq. That is when things started hitting hard. We made the decision to have the baby that we had talked about having down the line. That was being tossed about and sure enough Jessica had her own mind set to join me in the mix to keep my mind off of the separation from John. Thankfully God knows what is best.

It has been 5 years since this tragedy occurred. 5 years that some have forgotten what happened to many different degrees. Did you forget? Do you forget to hug your child(ren) at night and tell them how much you love them? Do you let the days, weeks, months slip by without contacting your family and telling them how much you love them? Do you appreciate all things that you are given? Yes you are given rights, freedoms, nice things by God's grace.

On the T.V. this past weekend were stories of the crashes that just saddened my heart deeply. The children that lost their loved ones. The babies that will never know the parents. Then you have the many men and women that stepped up to help the victims out. The ultimate sacrifices for some are the saddest for us to grasp.

For all of our military, firemen, policemen, and paramedics I say thank you very much for providing us a safe place to raise our kids. Remember to smile and give thanks to those around you.

An email from my lil sis...

I got this in an email this morning and feel it only appropriate to help all remember:

This is a timeline of flights/events that led up to the attack on America on September 11, 2001

7:58 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston for Los Angeles,carrying 56 passengers, two pilots, and seven flight attendants. TheBoeing 767 is hijacked after takeoff and diverted to New York.

7:59 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for LosAngeles, carrying 81 passengers, two pilots, and nine flightattendants. This Boeing 767 is also hijacked and diverted to New York.

8:01 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 38passengers, two pilots, and five flight attendants, leaves Newark, N.J.,for San Francisco.

8:10 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington'sDulles International Airport for Los Angeles, carrying 58 passengers,two pilots, and four flight attendants. The Boeing 757 is hijackedafter takeoff.

8:46 a.m. - American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the NorthTower at the World Trade Center.

9:03 a.m. - United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the SouthTower at the World Trade Center.- U.S. Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all NewYork area airports.

9:21 a.m. - Bridges and tunnels leading into New York Cityare closed.

9:25 a.m. - All domestic flights are grounded by U.S. FederalAviation Administration.9:45 a.m. - American Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon.

10:05 a.m. - The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.10:05 a.m. - The White House is evacuated.

10:10 a.m. - A large section of one side of The Pentagon collapses.10:10 a.m. - United Flight 93 crashes in a wooded area inPennsylvania, after passengers confront hijackers.

10:28 a.m. - The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.